
a week that is neally over...

I will be so please to see this week over, I have felt that I have really being tested by God, and I don't think I passed..but I pick my self up again and continue,and pray next week will be better..

With a sick husband, who continues, to keep losing weight and still has bad head aches, as I am writing this now he is not well ....and two of my children having a fall out, and myself with continues pain in my back to the degree some days I Can hardly walk with it.....I would like to just wake up one day and feel alive and human and be able to run a Marathon....but it is not to be, maybe this is my cross, so I know I must just take one day at a time, and know I will never be a saint like Mary Mackillop, but pray she helps me to accept what crosses I do have.

As for my walking and dieting it is getting there,!! counting points and watching what I am eating I have lost 1kg this week,which has made me feel good, I have to walk for at least 20 min, depending on my pain, but it hurts more when I have finished the walk, .I am over Dr's and specialists...am going to try Acupuncture and see if this relieves the pain!,

Well enough from me today, I have to go and get my self motoviated, and go up town and look for an out fit for my sons graduation in November,hard to beleive he has finished year twelve, it is hard to adjust to having no children now at school!!

I might go and get some brouchers on travelling to Rome ...ah that would be something to aim for in the next 18 months..!!