
A beautiful sunny day...

well despite only one more week to go till I have my knee done, I am happy to say today is a beautiful day,and the sun is shinning, and it is just good to be alive.

I didnt make it to ww this week but weight my self at home and have lost1.3 this week with out trying, only eating what I am supposed to eat.

Feels good, and well it is only 27 days till our cruise, so am excited about that and about going shopping for cloths and shoes next week, ...

We have been invited to a 21st on the 1st May the day after my operation, I should be up to it and happy to be able to go...now to buy a present!! it for a boy any suggestions for pressents????

well not much more I hope all have a blessed and happy long weekend


Not doing so good but getting there..!!

Even though I am able to walk, I have been watching what I AM eating and counting my points, it is difficult when you knee gives way, so on the 30th of this month I am going to hospital and they are going to do key hole surgery,I need to be mindful as WE ARE going on a cruise in a few weeks so want to be able to walk on the ship and when we get off the ship.AS THE LAST TIME WE WENT on the cruise it was the Swin Flu Ship!! so we couldnt get off!!

MY weight is frustrating me big time, by my scales I am only 91 Kg and by ww scales I am 93.3 a big difference, so as you can see I am very frustrated,and it annoyes me now as we only have one meeting and that is on a night time..they chloes the morning meeting..I weigh better in the morning!!

I had a nice day sunday,with my friend up at muswellbrook, here is a photo of us both after we had a coffee and lunch ..we were both at mass as we got the blessing for the St John Vianney prayer group..
I am going up to day to muswellbrook to see a friend and then see annette also, it is a nice day here, but chilli a little.
well hopefull this week at ww will show a difference in my weight..
I can not do what I am doing and keep Positive:))


Going to Mass at Muswellbrook for a Blessing for the St John Vianney prayer Group was wonderful, Fr James, give the blessing and said a beautiful mass,our photos on the steps of St James Catholic Chruch Muswellbrook...

This group is open to every one, one prayer and one sacrifice, for all priests all over the world, they need our prayers and sacrifices, for they struggle, for those that have fallen, need our prayers also, they are only human.. we need our priest, for with out them we would not suvive, with out Mass, councilling, and reconcillation..it is a great sacrement, we all need it.

If you are interest in joining this group, please by all means let me know and I can get the forms to you.
we will all continue to pray for each other

God bless
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