
I have been absent from my Journal, for a number of reasons, mainly because I HAVE had so much happening in my life,a lot of sadness, that led to negative feelings, and a lot of issues with my health, that led me to become depressed, and spirituality I was in no space to do any thing, except be angry and frustrated, cry and yell...so I have learnt in the last two weeks, to not be negative to my self or my friends, not be angry because of a family break down,it is better to walk away from that where there is negativity in all that, and to stay with my own family and be positive.....and give it all to God, and let him deal with it!

My challenge now is to really work on my weight and try and get some off, to help me with my knee!! when to the specialist the other day and he said it was a knee replacement!! I said now, but since them, I have realised the pain is becoming worse, since walking and this morning I walked another 50 min and boy am I paying for it now!! But through all this pain I am determined it is going to make my knee better, but I am told from other people it is doing more damage!! Either way I don't want a operation, but I might have to eat my words.

So I continue to count points, stay positive and walk each day, maybe by some Miracle the pain might go ...well for now I am putting my leg up with an ice pack on my knee, and resting today, as its storming and might do some reading ....

See what next week brings!


Its been a long time

IT HAS been ages since I have been on here, life has had its ups and downs, and I have gone back to ww, am losing, but the last few weeks I haven't been able to attend as for sickness, after months of problems with my bowel the specialist has found out what is wrong and now am on medication which allows me to leave the house, and I don't feel like a prisoner in my own home.

I have to get motivated again to lose more weight am on the net with ww and tools really help, BEEN down though hasn't helped and each day I find I am either up or down and its that rotten feeling of hopelessness.

Finding out my friend has cancer again has knocked me for a six and wondering why these things happen to good people and not the rotters who are horrible to people.
I suppose God only picks the Beautiful Roses in this world, .its just not fair..

so depsite all the sadness in my life I am goin to start counting points again and walk, so tomorrow is another day and I will forget the past!


Its a very slow process

Despite me going back to Weight Watches I am finding it very difficult, its not the same THE support dose not seem to be there like it was before, makes one feel so down when I joined up for the third time, and I walked in and was greeted from the leader so your back again!! so are you here for good this time or are you leave again, wow I thought to my self you heel, in front of all these new members who where joining, where I though was the support? where was, Joanne wow great to have you back again,? No wonder they can not get members to stay for the meetings!! She could not made me feel any smaller than I was.

So I go each week but the weight is slowly coming off not as quickly as i would like it to ..but I will keep going and not let negative people put me off!


Back on Track again

After Ten Months of being away from Weight Watches, I decided to go back after a long though and the decision had to be for me not for any one Else, this time yes I am going to do it and not think about it just do it.

I was surprised to see they have changed the program again so that was even more exciting, when I Got weighted on the Thursday night to my surprise, I weighted exactly what I was when I left last May, so that made me feel good to a extent, so thinking yes well I stayed the same so yes here I go it will come off this time.

The first few days were a challange, counting the propoints and writing every thing down but it makes you think before you put stuff into your mouth, as you know if you eat it you have to record it!! 29 points I am allowed, but the best part of the programm, is you can eat as much as you like of vegies and fruit,they are filling foods, the interesting part was where the propoints are different they are double to the last programm so you really have to be careful, but its a challange and so far I am enjoying it, and hoping to have lost some weight in weigh in on thursday night...

Well till then bye for now will post after my next weigh in ...

Have a good week evcry one


Life has been a challange lately

Christmas has come and gone, and as I walk though the shops like Big W I see Easter eggs, already, its only Feb, we have just got over Christmas!!

I have come to a serious decision, IT HAS been ten months since I have been to ww, and I havent put on but the weight is coming off bit by bit I have decided to go back to ww for another go ..only for 6 months,to see how I go, the new points plan is supposed to be good, so I have heard...so look out I am doing it for my self no one eles,I have decided also to stay away from people who upset me, spend more time for my self( that might sound selfish) but some times we need to take time out for our selfs and take a long look at what is happening in our life and spend time for our selves.

So as I lose KG BY KG I will be shouting my self a nice gift ...to keep me going!!

See you soon again