
A new year Approching

this year has not been a good one, to say the least, it seem to get worse towards Christmas, and Christmas day i am not even going their, the worse Christmas i have had for  YEARS But i got through it and survived, through tears and sadness, but i did It. so i am looking forward to saying good bye to 2012 for good, NOT saying what 2013 will bring,

When I was pondering on my life though my prayers the other day, i thought to my self, how things have changed over the years, how people change, and how friends who say  they are friends can turn in a second and be a different person, to the degree they wont speak to you any more, this has happened to me three times this year, and at Christmas time i extended my hand , being Christmas a time of forgiving and friendship, and this person didn't want to know me, so it is time to let them go, but got me is they call them selfs a christian and pray and go to church and yet do this, which i feel is not supposed to be like, but they are the loser, and i move on, i will pray for this person, but will never speak to her again.. A big lesson learnt to never put your trust in any one, only God as he will never leave you.

SO for my new year, I am going to stay away from people who up set me and are negative, and surround my self with loving and caring friends who know my worth, who accept me for who I am , and at the same time pull me up when i am falling down,and this also means getting close to the loving lord, letting him in my life all together, and being open to the will of THE Holy spirit.

I pray we all have a peaceful 2013 and receive many Blessing,


worry wont get you any where

The last few weeks have been very trying, financial we are in a mess, and bills are coming in and no money to pay them. so I decided its time to really just let go and LET GOD, HE IS THE ONLY ONE I thought can fix this, so I stopped worrying and God can  deal with it all, so I prayed and stopped worrying, God has  heard my prayer and two beautiful Angels came to my aid and then tonight I won a ham at the Club, how lucky is that, but the bottom line is I let go and let God, life is hard, and it is going to get harder, but I know what ever happen, God will be their in the bad times and the good times, I have to learn to trust more and let go.

Tomorrow I have a earlie appointment to see the Dr to get my results, dreading it as the Pain I have been experiencing is getting worse. but I know again God will deal with this.

Tonight I learnt of a good friend that her Cancer has come back, this is so sad,so many people are ill with cancer,my friend is only 48 far to young to be dying.

IT would be good if I could get some good night sleep the last week I havent been sleeping and it is starting to take its toll, Praying during the night helps but dose not seem to help me close my eyes and get a few hours sleep,I would like to have at least one good night sleep.so God if your listerning please could you help out/

Well on that note I might go and have a cuppa Tea and please God get a few hours sleep till I have to get up and be at the Drs appointment at 8.30

Till next time Blessings to all.


In every day a sadness.

The  last few weeks their has been nothing but sadness and heart break in my life,but instead of dwelling on it ,i have turned to God ,and lifted it all to the lord,a time of quite and just been silent in prayer,
This is the only way i have been able to cope,it has calmed me down,and helped me focus on the positive stuff in my life.
Don't ever think God doesn't listen to you,because he does.
Have a Blessed week.


Life dose not seem fair

llife does not seem fair, and yet we continue to keep hurting people and people continue to hurt us,and in saying this,could Jesus be in all this, I do not think so not for one minute an evil has taken over this world and their is a great battle going on, between good and bad,and the times we have tyred to be there and do the right thing, we only get slammed down and told to grow up ,or wake up to our self's,or you don't know what our talking about because you don't have a brain.
THE LAST FEW weeks have been hell for me,.to say the least and tonight as I was lying in bed thinking I should be up praying to get some peace in my life,i have this terrible discontent in side my soul,a feeling I haven't had for ages, a bad feeling, can not put a finger to what it is,i know i am so very discontented,an emptiness and sad feeling,
I am tied of trying to be the person people want me to be, and I am tied of been put down ,
In a way it  is a suffering like Christ, he was rejected and hated, and yet what did he do wrong, ? The suffering that one suffers is in union with Christ, to bear the suffering well knowing Jesus know what it is like to suffer, he was  just like us in all things but Sin and he knows what it is like to be hurt and rejected, this in it self gives hope because I know he is with me through all this and wont leave me, so I am grateful so i am forever grateful to you Lord ...thank you for not giving up on me as you know how weak I am.


The last week I have screamed, cryed, yealled, and just let God know I WAS feeling very very meserable, and in the sadness of it all God in his goodness sent me a beautiful sun set tonight, to quiten my soul down to let me know he still is with me and now matter what happens he will not leave me.

So I am in awwww to the Lord for this sunset ~


Life is challangening

Sitting in the waiting waiting for david he is having more bands put on his teeth...
This is a trying Tim but I seem to be coming through it ok.
Hoping to go and have lunch and something to drink soon,poor david still hasn't had lunch ...
With the grace of God I will get through today.
My walking is going well and have lost 3 kgs ion the last two weeks, my son comment on how well I am looming and to keep up the good work
So that has encouraged me big time
Its aways good to have that encouragement🍁
God gas been very good to me
And I thank God for all my beautiful friends🌺


I am only Human and I do have feelings!

The last 10 day have been hell, but some how I have come though it and through the grace of God, I am ok and able to tell the story.
David was in hospital for a few days having dental work done, so we stayed with our daughter, I hate newcastle, simple fact I had to drive in the mad traffic, now I am not use to this as my husband david would never let me drive in the city, but now I was forced to do it, well I did it, but just as i was getting used to driving to the hospital and to charles town david decided to take over and wanted to drive..!
a few nasty remakes and saying have been said to me over the last few weeks, and I have stayed silent,as if i said any thing I would have started to get up set and start shouting..

life is difficult, and I have been trying to work out why I have this horrible feeling in side me, I can not seem to bring it to the top .

I had a nice birthday despite not been at home, but all in all the kids made it good for me and wade took me for a nice drive along the beach and cooked a BBQ SO THAT WAS NICE,.
I did walk lots and have lost some weight I am continue to keep up the walking and cut back on intake of food, and am feeling more alive.

I am grateful to God for bringing me though the last 10 days and ask to help me get through the next week.


Turning to God is the answer

The last week or so has not been good, attacked through a friend at fb and accused of stuff I haven't done, I am beginning to think FB IS dangerous and not a good place to be on, closed one account and got my honest and true friends on an another account, but STILL I am not happy, something is not right~ so after contemplating about it all in my prayers , I thought no I need to turn to God fully, and try and do away with fb as it is distracting me from my prayer life and other stuff~I need to Focus on God and my spiritual life, keep distance from people who are a distraction to my spiritual life. God is the only one that can help me here, so lord I am yours do what you want with me.
It is after two in the morning, I should be sleeping, but am far to upset, but here again, this is where I have to let it go and give it all to God, and trust he will look after me, and knows the struggle which I am facing.
So today is a new day, to start again, go walking, smell the Roses and just live for today, ~


St Theresa of avila ~


1. Effects of mortal sin. 2. It prevents the soul's gaining merit. 3. The soul compared to a tree. 4. Disorder of the soul in mortal sin. 5. Vision of a sinful soul. 6. Profit of realizing these lessons. 7. Prayer. 8. Beauty of the Castle. 9. Self-knowledge 10. Gained by meditating on the divine perfections. 11. Advantages of such meditation. 12. Christ should be our model. 13. The devil entraps beginners. 14. Our strength must come from God. 15. Sin blinds the soul. 16. Worldliness. 17. The world in the cloister. 18. Assaults of the devil. 19. Examples of the devil's arts. 20. Perfection consists in charity. 21. Indiscreet zeal. 22. Danger of detraction.

1. BEFORE going farther, I wish you to consider the state to which mortal sin 1 brings this magnificent and beautiful castle, this pearl of the East, this tree of life, planted beside the living waters of life 2

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which symbolize God Himself. No night can be so dark, no gloom nor blackness can compare to its obscurity. Suffice it to say that the sun in the centre of the soul, which gave it such splendour and beauty, is totally eclipsed, though the spirit is as fitted to enjoy God's presence as is the crystal to reflect the sun. 3

2. While the soul is in mortal sin nothing can profit it; none of its good works merit an eternal reward, since they do not proceed from God as their first principle, and by Him alone is our virtue real virtue. The soul separated from Him is no longer pleasing in His eyes, because by committing a mortal sin, instead of seeking to please God, it prefers to gratify the devil, the prince of darkness, and so comes to share his blackness. I knew a person to whom our Lord revealed the result of a mortal sin 4 and who said she thought no one who realized its effects could ever commit it, but would suffer unimaginable torments to avoid it. This vision made her very desirous for all to grasp this truth, therefore I beg you, my daughters, to pray fervently to God for sinners, who live in blindness and do deeds of darkness.

3. In a state of grace the soul is like a well of limpid water, from which flow only streams of clearest crystal. Its works are pleasing both to God and man, rising from the River of Life, beside which it is rooted like a tree. Otherwise it would produce neither leaves nor fruit, for the waters of grace

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nourish it, keep it from withering from drought, and cause it to bring forth good fruit. But the soul by sinning withdraws from this stream of life, and growing beside a black and fetid pool, can produce nothing but disgusting and unwholesome fruit.

Notice that it is not the fountain and the brilliant sun which lose their splendour and beauty, for they are placed in the very centre of the soul and cannot be deprived of their lustre. The soul is like a crystal in the sunshine over which a thick black cloth has been thrown, so that however brightly the sun may shine the crystal can never reflect it.

4. O souls, redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, take these things to heart; have mercy on yourselves! If you realize your pitiable condition, how can you refrain from trying to remove the darkness from the crystal of your souls? Remember, if death should take you now, you would never again enjoy the light of this Sun. O Jesus! how sad a sight must be a soul deprived of light! What a terrible state the chambers of this castle are in! How disorderly must be the senses--the inhabitants of the castle--the powers of the soul its magistrates, governors, and stewards--blind and uncontrolled as they are! In short, as the soil in which the tree is now planted is in the devil's domain, how can its fruit be anything but evil? A man of great spiritual insight once told me he was not so much surprised at such a soul's wicked deeds as astonished that it did not commit even worse sins. May God in His mercy keep us from such great evil, for nothing in this life merits the name of evil in comparison with

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this, which delivers us over to evil which is eternal.

5. This is what we must dread and pray God to deliver us from, for we are weakness itself, and unless He guards the city, in vain shall we labour to defend it. 5 The person of whom I spoke 6 said that she had learnt two things from the vision granted her. The first was, a great fear of offending God; seeing how terrible were the consequences, she constantly begged Him to preserve her from falling into sin. Secondly, it was a mirror to teach her humility, for she saw that nothing good in us springs from ourselves but comes from the waters of grace near which the soul remains like a tree planted beside a river, and from that Sun which gives life to our works. She realized this so vividly that on seeing any good deed performed by herself or by other people she at once turned to God as to its fountain head--without whose help she knew well we can do nothing--and broke out into songs of praise to Him. Generally she forgot all about herself and only thought of God when she did any meritorious action.

6. The time which has been spent in reading or writing on this subject will not have been lost if it has taught us these two truths; for though learned, clever men know them perfectly, women's wits are dull and need help in every way. Perhaps this is why our Lord has suggested these comparisons to me; may He give us grace to profit by them!

7. So obscure are these spiritual matters that to

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explain them an ignorant person like myself must say much that is superfluous, and even alien to the subject, before coming to the point. My readers must be patient with me, as I am with myself while writing what I do not understand; indeed, I often take up the paper like a dunce, not knowing what to say, nor how to begin. Doubtless there is need for me to do my best to explain these spiritual subjects to you, for we often hear how beneficial prayer is for our souls; our Constitutions oblige us to pray so many hours a day, yet tell us nothing of what part we ourselves can take in it and very little of the work God does in the soul by its means. 7 It will be helpful, in setting it before you in various ways, to consider this heavenly edifice within us, so little understood by men, near as they often come to it. Our Lord gave me grace to understand something of such matters when I wrote on them before, yet I think I have more light now, especially on the more difficult questions. Unfortunately I am too ignorant to treat of such subjects without saying much that is already well known.

8. Now let us turn at last to our castle with its many mansions. You must not think of a suite of rooms placed in succession, but fix your eyes on the keep, the court inhabited by the King. 8 Like the kernel of the palmito, 9 from which several rinds

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must be removed before coming to the eatable part, this principal chamber is surrounded by many others. However large, magnificent, and spacious you imagine this castle to be, you cannot exaggerate it; the capacity of the soul is beyond all our understanding, and the Sun within this palace enlightens every part of it.

9. A soul which gives itself to prayer, either much or little, should on no account be kept within narrow bounds. Since God has given it such great dignity, permit it to wander at will through the rooms of the castle, from the lowest to the highest. Let it not force itself to remain for very long in the same mansion, even that of self-knowledge. Mark well, however, that self-knowledge is indispensable, even for those whom God takes to dwell in the same mansion with Himself. Nothing else, however elevated, perfects the soul which must never seek to forget its own nothingness. Let humility be always at work, like the bee at the honeycomb, or all will be lost. But, remember, the bee leaves its hive to fly in search of flowers and the soul should sometimes cease thinking of itself to rise in meditation on the grandeur and majesty of its God. It will learn its own baseness better thus than by self-contemplation, and will be freer from the reptiles which enter the first room where self-knowledge is acquired. Although it is a great grace from God to practise self-examination, yet 'too much is as bad as too little,' as they say; believe me, by God's help, we shall advance more by contemplating the

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[paragraph continues] Divinity than by keeping our eyes fixed on ourselves, poor creatures of earth that we are.

10. I do not know whether I have put this clearly; self-knowledge is of such consequence that I would not have you careless of it, though you may be lifted to heaven in prayer, because while on earth nothing is more needful than humility. Therefore, I repeat, not only a good way, but the best of all ways, is to endeavour to enter first by the room where humility is practised, which is far better than at once rushing on to the others. This is the right road;--if we know how easy and safe it is to walk by it, why ask for wings with which to fly? Let us rather try to learn how to advance quickly. I believe we shall never learn to know ourselves except by endeavouring to know God, for, beholding His greatness we are struck by our own baseness, His purity shows our foulness, and by meditating on His humility we find how very far we are from being humble.

11. Two advantages are gained by this practice. First, it is clear that white looks far whiter when placed near something black, and on the contrary, black never looks so dark as when seen beside something white. Secondly, our understanding and will become more noble and capable of good in every way when we turn from ourselves to God: it is very injurious never to raise our minds above the mire of our own faults. I described how murky and fetid are the streams that spring from the source of a soul in mortal sin. 10 Thus (although the case is

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not really the same, God forbid! this is only a comparison), while we are continually absorbed in contemplating the weakness of our earthly nature, the springs of our anions will never flow free from the mire of timid, weak, and cowardly thoughts, such as: 'I wonder whether people are noticing me or not! If I follow this course, will harm come to me? Dare I begin this work? Would it not be presumptuous? Is it right for any one as faulty as myself to speak on sublime spiritual subjects? 11 Will not people think too well of me, if I make myself singular? Extremes are bad, even in virtue; sinful as I am I shall only fall the lower. Perhaps I shall fail and be a source of scandal to good people; such a person as I am has no need of peculiarities.'

12. Alas, my daughters, what loss the devil must have caused to many a soul by such thoughts as these! It thinks such ideas and many others of the same sort I could mention arise from humility. This comes from not understanding our own nature; self-knowledge becomes so warped that, unless we take our thoughts off ourselves, I am not surprised that these and many worse fears should threaten us. Therefore I maintain, my daughters, that we should fix our eyes on Christ our only good, and on His saints; there we shall learn true humility, and our minds will be ennobled, so that self-knowledge will not make us base and cowardly. Although only the first, this mansion contains great riches and such treasures that if the soul only manages to

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elude the reptiles dwelling here, it cannot fail to advance farther. Terrible are the wiles and strata-gems the devil uses to hinder people from realizing their weakness and detecting his snares.

13. From personal experience I could give you much information as to what happens in these first mansions. I will only say that you must not imagine there are only a few, but a number of rooms, for souls enter them by many different ways, and always with a good intention. The devil is so angry at this that he keeps legions of evil spirits hidden in each room to stop the progress of Christians, whom, being ignorant of this, he entraps in a thousand ways. He cannot so easily deceive souls which dwell nearer to the King as he can beginners still absorbed in the world, immersed in its pleasures, and eager for its honours and distinctions. As the vassals of their souls, the senses and powers bestowed on them by God, are weak, such people are easily vanquished, although desirous not to offend God.

14. Those conscious of being in this state must as often as possible have recourse to His Majesty, taking His Blessed Mother and the saints for their advocates to do battle for them, because we creatures possess little strength for self-defence. Indeed in every state of life all our help must come from God; may He in His mercy grant it us, Amen! What a miserable life we lead! As I have spoken more fully in other writings 12 on the ill that results from ignoring the need of humility and self-knowledge, I will treat

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no more about it here, my daughters, although it is of the first importance. God grant that what I have said may be useful to you.

15 You must notice that the light which comes from the King's palace hardly shines at all in these first mansions; although not as gloomy and black as the soul in mortal sin, yet they are in semi-darkness, and their inhabitants see scarcely anything. I cannot explain myself; I do not mean that this is the fault of the mansions themselves, but that the number of snakes, vipers, and venomous reptiles from outside the castle prevent souls entering them from seeing the light. They resemble a person entering a chamber full of brilliant sunshine, with eyes clogged and half closed with dust. Though the room itself is light, he cannot see because of his self-imposed impediment. In the same way, these fierce and wild beasts blind the eyes of the beginner, so that he sees nothing but them.

16. Such, it appears to me, is the soul which, though not in a state of mortal sin, is so worldly and preoccupied with earthly riches, honours, and affairs, that as I said, even if it sincerely wishes to enter into itself and enjoy the beauties of the castle, it is prevented by these distractions and seems unable to overcome so many obstacles. It is most important to withdraw from all unnecessary cares and business, as far as compatible with the duties of one's state of life, in order to enter the second mansion. This is so essential, that unless done immediately I think it impossible for any one ever to reach the principal room, or even to remain

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where he is without great risk of losing what is already gained; otherwise, although he is inside the castle, he will find it impossible to avoid being bitten some time or other by some of the very venomous creatures surrounding him.

17. What then would become of a religious like ourselves, my daughters, if, after having escaped from all these impediments, and having entered much farther into the more secret mansion, she should, by her own fault, return to all this turmoil? Through her sins, many other people on whom God had bestowed great graces would culpably relapse into their wretched state. In our convents we are free from these exterior evils; please God our minds may be as free from them, and may He deliver us from such ills.

18. Do not trouble yourselves, my daughters, with cares which do not concern you. You must notice that the struggle with the demons continues through nearly all the mansions of this castle. True, in some of them, the guards, which, as I explained, are the powers of the soul, have strength for the combat, but we must be keenly on the watch against the devils's arts, lest he deceive us in the form of an angel of light. He creeps in gradually, in numberless ways, and does us much harm, though we do not discover it until too late. 13

19. As I said elsewhere, 14 he works like a file, secretly and silently wearing its way: I will give you some examples to show how he begins his wiles.

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[paragraph continues] For instance: a nun has such a longing for penance as to feel no peace unless she is tormenting herself in some way. 15 This is good in itself; but suppose that the Prioress has forbidden her to practise any mortifications without special leave, and the sister thinking that, in such a meritorious cause, she may venture to disobey, secretly leads such a life that she loses her health and cannot even fulfil the requirements of her rule--you see how this show of good ends. Another nun is very zealous about religious perfection; this is very right, but may cause her to think every small fault she sees in her sisters a serious crime, and to watch constantly whether they do anything wrong, that she may run to the Prioress to accuse them of it. At the same time, may be she never notices her own shortcomings because of her great zeal about other people's religious observance, while perhaps her sisters, not seeing her intention but only knowing of the watch she keeps on them, do not take her behaviour in good part.

20. The devil's chief aim here is to cool the charity and lessen the mutual affection of the nuns, which would injure them seriously. Be sure, my daughters, that true perfection consists in the love of God and our neighbour, and the better we keep both these commandments, the more perfect we shall be. The sole object of our Rule and Constitutions is to help us to observe these two laws.

21. Indiscreet zeal about others must not be indulged in; it may do us much harm; let each one look to herself. However, as I have spoken fully

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on this subject elsewhere, 16 I will not enlarge on it here, and will only beg you to remember the necessity of this mutual affection. Our souls may lose their peace and even disturb other people's if we are always criticizing trivial actions which often are not real defects at all, but we construe them wrongly through ignorance of their motives. See how much it costs to attain perfection! Sometimes the devil tempts nuns in this way about the Prioress, which is still more dangerous. Great prudence is then required, for if she disobeys the Rule or Constitutions the matter must not always be overlooked, but should be mentioned to her; 17 if, after this, she does not amend, the Superior of the Order should be informed of it. It is true charity to speak in this case, as it would be if we saw our sisters commit a grave fault; to keep silence for fear that speech would be a temptation against charity, would be that very temptation itself. 18

22. However, I must warn you seriously not to talk to each other about such things, lest the devil deceive you. He would gain greatly by your doing so, because it would lead to the habit of detraction; rather, as I said, state the matter to those whose duty it is to remedy it. Thank God our custom

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here of keeping almost perpetual silence gives little opportunity for such conversations, still, it is well to stand ever on our guard.


45:1 Life, ch. xxxviii. 31; ch. xl. 15.

45:2 Ps. i. 3: 'Et erit tamquam lignum quod plantatum eat secus decursus aquarum.'

46:3 Way of Perf. ch. xxviii. 9.

46:4 In this as in most other cases when the Saint speaks of 'a person she knows,' she means herself. Life, ch. xl, 15.

48:5 cxxvi. 1: 'Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat qui custodit eam.'

48:6 Life, ch. xxxviii. 33; ch. xl. 15, 16.

49:7 Life, ch. x. 2 sqq. Constitut. 2, 6.

49:8 Way of Perf.. ch. xxviii. 1.


Some times we need to just let go

The last week has not been the best to say the least, flu and just unwell. Some time ago I had a falling out with a friend as she had accursed me on face book of needing professional help to say the least she needed it so I had to let that friendship go we must move on and live a life pleasing to God this friendship was me coming toxic as I was trying to get closer to God this would try in her own nasty way draw me away from God .. I will pray for this woman but there will be no place in my life for this woman,it's sad but life goes on.
Then the other day I get this horrible email from a so call friend accusing me of something I never did very childish attitude ~ we sometimes need to walk away from people because they become very toxic in your life~ and when your trying to go forward in life and your spiritual life you don't need people like this~
I have had to make this lesson in my life a stepping stone move on and let God deal with it
I need God more than ever now I don't need to rely on human beings who let you down, who walk all over you and treat you like a child!!
I pray that this experience won't happen to me again I turn to God and ask for his guidance to help through the rest of this journey!


Some times God comes in the most unexpected ways

The last 9 days have been not so good, this flu is just not going, and the second time in two months I have had it..

Been Saturday I decided not to bet dressed, I had a upsetting day yesterday as a so called friend accused of blocking her off fb, which I didn't do, and her email was the last straw, it hurt , so I have decided to be quite and not contact this person again, her actions are so very childlike..I will pray for her but that is as far as it goes~

So lazing around on the computer and there is a knock on the door, my GOD I answered it to be greeted by a good priest friend, just as if GOD had known I was upset, and needed to talk to some one, God works in strange ways, but he always knows when one needs consoling, to this I felt so blessed, and thinking to my self how you work some times lord is so unexpected, you do know when we are down and we forget you also were human and were hurt, and mistreated and mad a fool of, you suffered more than we will ever suffer, and knowing how much you love us, and always just waiting for us to come to you and put our burdens at your feet/

Thank you for this morning Lord, thank you for all the graces and blessings I have received and the beautiful friends who stand by me in my failures and weakness to be love and reassured, is just wonderful,and that what happen this morning through this wonderful friend....


When Times are Difficult

~ Our spiritual and emotional lives are much the same. When the dark clouds of trial, struggle, grief or suffering roll in and settle on us so thick that we can barely see ahead of us, it's easy to forget there is a place of calm, light, clarity, and peace we can rise to. If we take God's hand in those difficult times, He will lift us up above our circumstances to the place of comfort, warmth, and safety He has for us. Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Just as don't have to beg the sun for light, we don't have to beg the Holy Spirit for comfort either. He is comfort!
Tough times happen to everyone at one time or another. Pain and loss are a part of life. There are many different reasons why these occur, but God is always there to bring good out of it when we invite Him to. We have to pray that when we go through difficult times, He will give us a greater sense of His comfort in it. ~




Set your own pace........When someone is pushing you, it's ok to tell them they're pushing.

Take nothing for granted........Watch water flow, the corn grow, the leaves blow, your neighbors mow.

Allow yourself time to be lazy and unproductive........Rest isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

Listen to the wind blow........It carries a message of yesterday and tomorrow...
........And now.........Now counts.

Rest on your laurels........They bring comfort whatever their size, age or condition.

Talk slower. Talk less. Don't talk. Communication isn't measured by words.

Give yourself permission to be late sometimes........Life is for living, not scheduling.

Listen to the song of a bird........The complete song. Music and nature are gifts, but only if you are willing to receive them.

Slow down. God is still in heaven........You are not responsible for doing it all...yourself... right now.

Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past........Rest there. Each moment has a richness that takes a lifetime to savor.

Quit planning how you're going to use what you know, learn or possess........God's gifts just are. Be grateful and their purpose will be clear.

When you walk with someone, don't think about what you'll say next........Thoughts will spring up naturally if you let them.

Talk and play with children........It will bring out the unhurried little person inside you.

Create a place in your home...At your work....in your heart...where you can go for quiet and recollection. You deserve it.

Take time to think........Action is good and necessary, but it's fruitful only if we muse, ponder and mull.

Make time for play........The things you like to do. Whatever your age, your inner child needs re-creation.

Watch and listen to the night sky........It speaks.

Listen to the words you speak........Especially in prayer.

Learn to stand back and let others take their turn as leaders........ There will always be new opportunities for you to step out in front again.

Divide big jobs into little jobs........If God took six days to create the universe, can you do any better?

Direct your life with purposeful choices, not with speed and efficiency........The best musician is one who plays with expression and meaning, not the one who finishes first.

Take a day off alone........Make a retreat. You can learn from monks and hermits without becoming one.

Pet a furry friend........You will give and get the gift of now.

Work with your hands........It frees the mind.

Take time to wonder........Without wonder, life is merely an existence.

Sit in the dark........It will treat you to see and hear, taste and smell.

Once in awhile........Turn down the lights, The throttle, The invitations. Less really can be more.

Let go........Nothing is usually the hardest thing to do...but often it is the best.

Taste your food........God gave it to delight as well as nourish.

Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and set........They are remarkable for their steady pattern of movement, not their speed.

And as you ramble on thru life my dearest friend........Keep your eye upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole.



Taking time out for one self

Set your own pace........When someone is pushing you, it's ok to tell them they're pushing.

Take nothing for granted........Watch water flow, the corn grow, the leaves blow, your neighbors mow.

Allow yourself time to be lazy and unproductive........Rest isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

Listen to the wind blow........It carries a message of yesterday and tomorrow........And now.........Now counts.

Rest on your laurels........They bring comfort whatever their size, age or condition.

Talk slower. Talk less. Don't talk. Communication isn't measured by words.

Give yourself permission to be late sometimes........Life is for living, not scheduling.

Listen to the song of a bird........The complete song. Music and nature are gifts, but only if you are willing to receive them.

Slow down. God is still in heaven........You are not responsible for doing it all...yourself... right now.

Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past........Rest there. Each moment has a richness that takes a lifetime to savor.

Quit planning how you're going to use what you know, learn or possess........God's gifts just are. Be grateful and their purpose will be clear.

When you walk with someone, don't think about what you'll say next........Thoughts will spring up naturally if you let them.

Talk and play with children........It will bring out the unhurried little person inside you.

Create a place in your home...At your work....in your heart...where you can go for quiet and recollection. You deserve it.

Take time to think........Action is good and necessary, but it's fruitful only if we muse, ponder and mull.

Make time for play........The things you like to do. Whatever your age, your inner child needs re-creation.

Watch and listen to the night sky........It speaks.

Listen to the words you speak........Especially in prayer.

Learn to stand back and let others take their turn as leaders........ There will always be new opportunities for you to step out in front again.

Divide big jobs into little jobs........If God took six days to create the universe, can you do any better?

Direct your life with purposeful choices, not with speed and efficiency........The best musician is one who plays with expression and meaning, not the one who finishes first.

Take a day off alone........Make a retreat. You can learn from monks and hermits without becoming one.

Pet a furry friend........You will give and get the gift of now.

Work with your hands........It frees the mind.

Take time to wonder........Without wonder, life is merely an existence.

Sit in the dark........It will treat you to see and hear, taste and smell.

Once in awhile........Turn down the lights, The throttle, The invitations. Less really can be more.

Let go........Nothing is usually the hardest thing to do...but often it is the best.

Taste your food........God gave it to delight as well as nourish.

Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and set........They are remarkable for their steady pattern of movement, not their speed.

And as you ramble on thru life my dearest friend........Keep your eye upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole.



Sitting at my computer

As I sit here at my computer at 10.12am in the morning,(I have just woken up from six hours sleep)!
I contemplate on the pain I am enduring,~ depression all day yesterday~ and now this shocking pain from my lower back down my leg and I am praying,its not what I think it is, that I have slipped another disk in my lower back!!It is a very rare pain I will never forget when last time I ended up having to have weeks in hospital and then be operated on, I just trust this will pass as the day progresses!

A few weeks Ago I had a lovely visit back to my home town in Young,it was a nice few days, and to be able to go back to many happy memories, plus sad memories, but all in all it did me good, it was very painful to go back to my mothers grave and put flowers on her grave, but I believe she has looked after me all these years, its very painful growing up with out having a Mother,she died when I was six months old. but I am forever grateful for her for giving me life.

Well another week is in front of us, and we will be into August on Monday, the year has Nealy gone again, as you get older the days don't seem to wait for any one, or months,only 8 months till my Son is married, now that is scary, and I haven't done a thing about trying to get some weight off.

So this week I promise my self to try and walk each day ~ 30 min ~ follower my points ~ and stay away from people who have in the last week upset me,~ to be positive in my talking, and get out of the house and try and visit a few friends ~

Hoping you Have a blessed week ~


Having silence in your life

When one brings God back into their life ... Every thing goes right again..this has happened to me!
Well God isn't going to give up on me to easily, I was challenged by a friend last week ...and I am going to take the challenge up, but I realized I needed to pray about it and put my self into Gods presents ..
I believe having silence in my life gives me the ability to be more open to the lords will



The last two weeks I have been sick, with the flu, sugars sky hi so decided I had better go to the dr, and find out what was really going on, yes it is the flu, and am on antibotices now, and am told it could take at least another 10 days, to get get over it, but to my suprise tonight I am feeling a little better, of cause the strong antobotices are working, and I am looking forward to one good night sleep...

One good thing about been sick is you dont eat much, and that means you wont put weight on, ah so I have promised my self after I get over this flu, back to walking and am thinking of joining back with weight watches, have heard on the grape vine the leader that did ww is leaving so if that is the case I am going back. that is where you get support and meet lots of beautiful friends, but in the mean time I will still do my tracking on ww on line, which is and has good tools on it,and friends also.

So the weather looks gloomy in the next few days, but I will keep my self warm, pray a lot and do some reading, and catch up with friends on fb, a great place to be when one is feeling good.


A Tandem Ride With God

I used to think of God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there, sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I didn't really know Him.

But later on, when I met Jesus, it seemed as though life was rather like a bike, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that Jesus was in the back helping me pedal. I didn't know just when it was He suggested we change, but life has not been the same since I took the back-seat to Jesus, my Lord. He makes life exciting. When I had control, I thought I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points.
But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places and at break-through speeds; it was all I could do to hang on! Even though it often looked like madness, He said, "Pedal!" I was worried and anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into adventure. And when I'd say, "I'm scared", He'd lean back and touch my hand.

He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey, our journey, my Lord's and mine. And we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away; they're extra baggage, too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found in giving I received, and still our burden was light.

I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it, but He knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, jump to clear high rocks, fly to shorten scary passages. And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion, Jesus.

And when I'm sure I just can't do any more, He just smiles and says... "Pedal."

(Author unknown)


Another Positive week

Feeling so blessed since making my peace with God, and I have a feeling of content in side me I haven't had for a long time,so that is so good. so positive, and the days have been excellent.

Yesterday I went out for Morning tea with Ladies from the Church,it was a special morning tea for a very dear lady who has been playing the organ in our Church for thirty yes, it was an appreciation for her wonderful work she had done,and we pray she will be able to come back, soon, but in the meantime we also pray she recovers from this terrible sickness, the cancer has come back again.

I had a lovely night at the Catholic ball the other night with David, the ball was good but the company on the tables were to be desired,but I stayed positive and when this person made a bad comment to me I stayed quite and just expressed in my face, how I felt!

Excitement news on my Sons Engagement last week also, wonderful. Shannon will be getting married next year:( so I have to get my act together and get some weight off, back to tracking my calories, and writing every thing down. and walking, but must carry Jelly beans on my as of Hippos with my Sugar!
that in it self is one big challenge, a big cross which I have to accept, besides my back,got into trouble today from the Dr saying I am not supposed to mop or hover the floors, because of my back. ouch no wonder I have been in pain the last two days:(

will post some photos up of the happy couple and David and my self at the ball,I pray you all have a bless week and know God is walking beside each one of us, in our Journey, I know it is hard for some but also know how Much God love you

So the top photo is myself with David , then Ben dressed to kill and then Shannon and Kirsty ~~love is in the Air:)


Feeling so refreshed

The last few weeks have been really daunting for me, no sleep, shocking depressing, just in a shocking black hole, did not seem to be able to get my act together,some days were so bad I don't remember them!

Believing in the great sacrament of confession, I knew if I went this would help me tremendously,the great gift of Gods great mercy the great gift his forgiveness
So I did go to confession and I experienced a peace that came over me that I had not felt for a long Time
Wow I could not believe it
Sleeping well walking again feeling so positive
Back on my diet
Thank you lord I am for ever grateful



I had a lovely day yesterday, we went down to Newcastle to see Chloe for her birthday, we went to this cute little coffee shop just around  from where she lives,it was called Vincents. Scones and Jam and cream and a lovely coffee, and just sitting quitely being as a family, it was just so good, to be all together,and have time out.

It MAKES ONE RELISE that you are so blessed,and that each day we should count all our blessings,becasue life is far too short, to to finish off with this saying

                                                                                             BE GENTLE WITH YOUR SELF

                                                                                             AS LIFE IS VERY FRAGILE


A shocking day

Nothing went right for me today and the reason was I got up after no sleep last night and didn't say good morning to God I didnt even pray today I am so angry lately just out of sorts
And I feel I need to get back on track with my weight and walking
Please pray for me


Divine Mercy

Spiritual journey with Jesus Divine Mercy
let us not be afraid of the Sacrament of Confession. Jesus is waiting for us there

Jesus said, "Tell souls where they are to look for solace; that is, in the Tribunal of Mercy (Confession). There the greatest miracles take place and are incessantly repeated." (Diary of St. Faustina 144 ..."when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it. Every time you go to Confession, immerse yourself entirely in my mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of my grace upon your soul." (Diary of St. Faustina, 1602)

My journey began many years ago, I had my faith in God well I thought did , but was so scared to go to confession, to the extent I didn’t go mainly because of the fear,. it was more a block or pride, well we all know pride is a sin, and now that I look back I am sure it was pride, that stopped me from being open and honest in the confession,
In fewer years I did start to go to the sacrament of confession, but still very fearful, not trusting in God’s Mercy or forgiveness, there was a block there...How was I going to get through this block, of being fearful of God’s Mercy .its God you’re going to confession not the priest I would tell myself, but the butterflies would enter and I would feel quite ill and the shame , and mainly the guilt, and all I could say was Lord will I ever get over this? Please take this horrible fear away..
Lord I know your love me but I am so afraid help me please!
So I begin sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament begging Jesus to help me, to take the fear away, telling him how I need to be free of all that was bogging me down...( and was it blogging me down it was making me physical sick!!)
So this one day I was in front of the blessed sacrament praying and all of a sudden I felt this peace come through me it was a strange feeling, and confessions were being heard at the time ,and I thought I will just go and trust in your mercy Lord, but please come with me as I am so very scared!
As I was walking towards the confessional I was feeling more and more uneasy, I knew I had to do this to Because God wanted me back, and I wanted to be back!
As I sat down and began my confession I felt a shift as if I wasn’t there, all I remember is I had got everything off my chest and I felt straight away this peace I have never felt before, When Fr said I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son , I felt so free this peace I have never felt before, and I walked out sat back down in Front of the Blessed sacrament and said to Jesus :Thank you, and the tears were streaming down my face, Knowing that Jesus loves me so very much, the feeling is beyond words.
So Now you cannot keep me away from confession as it is my Refuge, I can last only a fortnight and I go back, just knowing how much Jesus wants to heal me, and I am immersed in his Mercy, each time,
What a wonderful gift we have in this sacrament, and I pray for those who need God’s Mercy and will come back to Jesus in this wonderful sacrament.
Thank you Lord For this wonderful Sacrament.


Let the Light Of Christ shine on you

Easter is the most beautiful time of the year, to be able to renew our faith, in Christ and start again.
Easter for me this year, was very special, I made a few changes in my spiritual life, which I didn't
think I could do, but with the grace of God and hes help I did it, I am a better person for this, but each
day I have to remind my self that it is a struggle, and I need to focus more on Christ, who shows me the
path I should take,

Some times we lean on others hoping they can make us feel better or can solve our problem, that does not work, for me I have to focus on Jesus, and know that he will walk with me through the good and bad days, but I must focus, when I lose focus, that is when I go off track.

EASTER ALSO is a time of family getting together, my family all came Home  for Easter tea and it was more than I could have asked for, I am blessed in more ways than I realise, with my family and friends, I can achieve this wonderful journey which I am on.

I pray you all had a Beautiful Easter.


Time to move on and put the past behind me

Well I am pleased to announce I have lost 1.5 this week, to my delight, I think I should give me self a pat on the back, so what every I have done I must be doing right, so I will keep up the good work. I must say though it has been hard work, very lot of stress I have been under,and sugar levels all over the place, but I have come through it  and will just keep looking forward
 It is Holy week, so I must refocus and get in to a spiritual place, and take time out and just reflect on this week, This Photo reminds me of when I was a small child and I Darling Father used to also go for visit into the church every day, and take me with him and he always lifted me up so I could kiss the face of Jesus, and I recall once saying, Daddy can we not Make Jesus Better!!  I am sorry for Hurting you Jesus I really am..Give me the grace to be a better person.


Eating Chocolate for depression is good//

Yesterday and today I have been so so very down, so what I did was get out the house, went to mass and then shopping, now shopping is very bad when your down and feeling  rotten, because you end up buying bad stuff like chocolate, and that is what I did today.its still sitting in on the bench but I am going to go and have a piece with a cuppa tea, before I go to bed they say chocolate is good for depression, and sunlight ,and walking, it helps the stress levels and sadness that goes on in side ones life.

I have to increase my depression tablets, and have to go back to my councillor, not that I want to, but I have to talk to some one...about losing two friends, this week through my own falt no one really knows how hard it is when you try to explain something to some one and they dont beleive  a word your saying/ they say face relaity, now that coming from someone who I had as a friend, and that I dont deserve to have friends .I am a very horrible person. No wonder I am in a depression again....

My thoughts are all over the place as I write this, thinking how I have to force my self to get up of a morning and get dressed,some day I really hate the world like today.

well enough of me rambling on, time to go and have that chocolate ....and tomorrow I might feel more like my old self...
At Least God loves me if no one eles does...And I will hold that for ever in my heart. he is the only one who really understands me and wont let me down.


Time to move on

Well now this last week has been quite a challenge to me, I have decided to move on, to find a place, where I am at peace with my self, not for any one Else, for me, I have learned, you can not trust any one,not even your friends. they let you down also, I know I have let people down, but IN saying that I will not let People or friends dictate to me, as I was aways dictated to as a child by nuns at school,and as an adult people still thing they can tell me what to do, its a no go zone!!I have felt so completely alone, in the last few weeks, and I have asked my self where is God in all this?

As Mary McKillop put it beautifully

Life has a way of teaching us that no relationship is perfect.
Storms can envelop us with out warning.  who is there for us?
Where is God ? Storm clouds can block out every thing,including, we sometimes feel, even our God .Perhaps it is then,when things are really tough, that we need to heed Mary"s words.

Isn't that what faith is is all about? God is there, we believe,even though we still feel DOWN AND almost out of count.  We still trust in our Good God,even though we feel his absence.
Mary describes beautifully her own experience of finding peace in the chaos that enveloped her.

A quiet and slow healing process, re-discovering, a calm after the storm that had been my life for the past few years (1903

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him (ps 37:7)


knowing when to say NO

This week has be more than a challenge, it has been a learning time through my down days , and my good days, to learn to say NO.  TO food I shouldn't eat, so have been on the right track and lost 1.1kg, and No to people who want to bullier me,.and tell me how I should live my life, and dictate and try and take over me. so through this I have a lost a friend but something had to give and I wasn't buying into what she was selling, in telling me I should do this I should do that,it is sad she couldn't seem where I was coming from,., yes I was angry with her, but she had to know where I stood! It has mad me sad this has happened, but its time now to move on, and not look back, to keep moving to look at the good that is going to happen..

Lent has been a struggle, but I have managed to just try and do what I can., meeting up with friends this morning at MacDonald's, one friend is very negative, But I have learnt to turn off, and just laugh her off, it is good to have time out and to be there for each other, we all need to take time out with our friends, and let them know we do care.

I will continue to keep doing my meditation's, my walking, with a spirit of love in my heart that I am doing this for me no one else, and taking more photos, just love my photography when I am taking photos of flowers, animals , I feel very close to God, like he is walking beside me and also smelling the roses, it is a sense of freedom of been loved, it clears my head, gives me a sense of purpose, I am blessed and Thank God for this, the fact I still do have my eye site, though I might have to have a operation for the cataracts, you appriciate each day when you can wake up and open your eyes and say thank you Lord I am able to see, thank you for giving me my site.,And Thank you for my beautiful family and Friends,


A week of HELL

Well I hate to say it, but my depression has come back big time, and the last week has been hell, I am just struggling to get through each day, the Thought of having to get out of bed dose not seem to be a challenge, so the last two days, I have stayed in my nightie and done absolute nothing,yes I have prayed, but all that is Jesus I Trust you, that is as far as my prayer is lately.

If you have ever suffered with depression, you would understand,but some don't understand,and are critical, and say wake up to your self, stop feeling sorry for your self, this is a horrible thing to have, and though I am on medication, some time I just get into the dark hole and can not get out of it..

A lot of issues, have cause this condition to come back on to me, losing a friend, who I used to confide in, and a friend who is dying of cancer, who is in denial, my weight, my sugar...the list goes one,

I often think Where is God in all this, he must be on a coffee break, he often goes on coffee breaks on me lately ,

WELL enough from me for now, I had better go and live for the day, count my points, and try and get into my photos...\

I think God UNDERSTAND WHERE I am coming from, have a Blessed week every one

I just want to feel better, my old happy laughting self, but while I am in this dark hole, I just have to try and manage one day at a time


Silence of the Heart

I believe we all have to answer for how we live each day, we have to answer to our God, if we don't look after our self's, its a difficult challenge, though for my self when I have woken up each morning in the last week,in constant pain!  It only makes me more determined to keep moving, but yesterday I have to confess, I had had one Bad day, to the point I didn't even get out of my PJ's~now did I feel guilty No~ because I believe, I need to just have a day where I didn't answer the phone, (which I didn't)  and just be silent in my self, pray and what what I ate and do my tracking, to my surprise, I have have lost 1kg this week, which proves to me, yes Joanne you can do this, in all the pain your bearing, you can walk and you can be silence, and just be your self, and in all of this Jesus walks with me.

In the middle of the week I did have some friend try and dictate to me, but I would not buy what she was selling, meaning I don't have to be told what to do in my spiritual life, its between my self and God, and no one has a right to tell you when or when not to go to confession, or go to Mass, sometime people like to think they can take over my life,  which I have to confess I let them in the past  but now I am wiser and stronger and I wont stand for it, I am me , each day is a challenge, and I can only take one day at a time, some days I can only take one hour at a time..

So what ever I am doing I must be doing right, to lose a 1kg this week, I have proven to m y self I am much stronger than I give my self credit for.

Let us all continue to be Gentle with our self, and know we are on this magical journey, of life,

As Mary of the Cross said,

~We are but Travellers here ~1867~
The little Crosses of every day are harder to bear than the thumping big ones~(1890)


An opportunity for personal growth".

The last few day have been an opportunity for personal growth, to be more open and aware, of where I am going and how my life is panning out,well at the moment its not going so well,and its not for the lack of trying.

We all need to be challenged in our life, to keep going and not to stop when the going gets tough!!
my Challenge is my sugar Diabetes at the moment, my sugar levels have gone through the roof again, and I don't know why.. I have been walking, following my diet and counting my points, and drinking lots and lots of water, so I have come to the realisation it is stress that is causing it plus my shocking cough I have., please pains in the chest which go with high sugars, so I am back to pricking my finger 6 times a day, and I am on insulin 4 times a day which is a challenge when I have a day out!!

so my Plan for the next 24 hours is to stay as quite as possible, read a good spiritual book, do my empty chair exercise, now to those who don't know about the empty Chair exercise, it is the best thing. you sit in one chair and put the other chair facing you, and Jesus sits in that chair, and you sit in the Silence and talk to Jesus,the Loving presents of an other, Jesus has never failed me in this..try it and you will be very surprised.

We all Need Jesus in our life, to walk with us in our ups and down, I wouldn't be here to day If I didn't have him.

So let us all embrace the Loving Presence of the other~