
Another Positive week

Feeling so blessed since making my peace with God, and I have a feeling of content in side me I haven't had for a long time,so that is so good. so positive, and the days have been excellent.

Yesterday I went out for Morning tea with Ladies from the Church,it was a special morning tea for a very dear lady who has been playing the organ in our Church for thirty yes, it was an appreciation for her wonderful work she had done,and we pray she will be able to come back, soon, but in the meantime we also pray she recovers from this terrible sickness, the cancer has come back again.

I had a lovely night at the Catholic ball the other night with David, the ball was good but the company on the tables were to be desired,but I stayed positive and when this person made a bad comment to me I stayed quite and just expressed in my face, how I felt!

Excitement news on my Sons Engagement last week also, wonderful. Shannon will be getting married next year:( so I have to get my act together and get some weight off, back to tracking my calories, and writing every thing down. and walking, but must carry Jelly beans on my as of Hippos with my Sugar!
that in it self is one big challenge, a big cross which I have to accept, besides my back,got into trouble today from the Dr saying I am not supposed to mop or hover the floors, because of my back. ouch no wonder I have been in pain the last two days:(

will post some photos up of the happy couple and David and my self at the ball,I pray you all have a bless week and know God is walking beside each one of us, in our Journey, I know it is hard for some but also know how Much God love you

So the top photo is myself with David , then Ben dressed to kill and then Shannon and Kirsty ~~love is in the Air:)

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