This week has be more than a challenge, it has been a learning time through my down days , and my good days, to learn to say NO. TO food I shouldn't eat, so have been on the right track and lost 1.1kg, and No to people who want to bullier me,.and tell me how I should live my life, and dictate and try and take over me. so through this I have a lost a friend but something had to give and I wasn't buying into what she was selling, in telling me I should do this I should do that,it is sad she couldn't seem where I was coming from,., yes I was angry with her, but she had to know where I stood! It has mad me sad this has happened, but its time now to move on, and not look back, to keep moving to look at the good that is going to happen..
Lent has been a struggle, but I have managed to just try and do what I can., meeting up with friends this morning at MacDonald's, one friend is very negative, But I have learnt to turn off, and just laugh her off, it is good to have time out and to be there for each other, we all need to take time out with our friends, and let them know we do care.
I will continue to keep doing my meditation's, my walking, with a spirit of love in my heart that I am doing this for me no one else, and taking more photos, just love my photography when I am taking photos of flowers, animals , I feel very close to God, like he is walking beside me and also smelling the roses, it is a sense of freedom of been loved, it clears my head, gives me a sense of purpose, I am blessed and Thank God for this, the fact I still do have my eye site, though I might have to have a operation for the cataracts, you appriciate each day when you can wake up and open your eyes and say thank you Lord I am able to see, thank you for giving me my site.,And Thank you for my beautiful family and Friends,