Trying to get my self up to scratch again with the weight seems an every daunting task, now I am unable to walk well the Dr told me I should stay off my leg as much as possible as my knee has been damaged from the fall ..so have to go to the specialist on the 14Th April, and my toe yes it is infected again and more antibiotics and tonight after two days on antibiotics my toe still very swollen and very painful. when it clears up I need to have it cut out the nail that is!!! Never ending with me. I thought life was going to be so much simply when I started to get the weight off but no the medications I am on no doubt is slowing it down...it is frustrating me big time...
Wondering if I should go and get weighed this Thursday! when I am supposed to be resting this leg and not walking on it...I was told the more I walk on it the more damage I will do ..can not win..
It may seem I am making excuses but no I am not I looked back at the photos of how I looked before The weight came off and boy I have come a long way so I have to be gentle with my self and just keep hacking at it despite down falls, no matter what I will get it off Just want to get to the 10% and I will be happy.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday the beginning of lent so I am going to really try and improve in my spiritual journeyand pray life
Praying for you all..