it is after four in the morning being awake since 2am just can not sleep
feeling sick in the stomach and just out of sorts......my sugar is up so have
taken more insulin, to try and bring it down...life is a challenge when you have
to try and get your sugars down get your weight down and just keep alive/
I need to relax think beautiful thoughts life each hour as if it is going to be my last
be positive,stay away from negative people. I can only live one day at a time or maybe one
hour at a time, if I do this I should be OK if I don't think of tomorrow and leave yesterday behind
If I just relax in Gods presents,smell the flowers the roses and go for gentle walks and pray my
knee dose not buckle in altogether..If I go and sit in the church in front of the blessed
sacrament and just know that no matter what happens God and I can do this together.
And he will not give me more than I can handle. I do have so much to be thankful for, my
wonderful friends, my Family, just being alive and being able to walk and breath and feel
God love....
Have a Blessed week