The last few weeks have been a challenge, and still are! two weeks ago I had my shoulder operated on and didn't come out of the anapestic very well all day was out to it, to wake up that night throwing up from the medications, and so so tied, I was discharged the next morning, still vomiting, so much for Private hospitals. My sugars were out of wacko and I was just weak and sick on the stomach for three day turns out they gave me medications which I WAS allergic to great really great...ended up at the Dr's on the Monday and he was no help just said go hand and rest and do nothing for two weeks. So that is what I have been doing, even though I feel a bit better...I did get up this morning and ended up going back to bed for three hours and sleeping, so I must have needed it.
My weight is OK even though I haven't been back to ww I feel I needed a break will go back at the beginning of September and start again, I haven't put on so that is good but I must get into walking again as soon AS I am strong again, TODAY is a SHOCKING DAY, the weather is so wild and we are having a dust storm, and it is horrible a bad day to go out side, it is all over the state.
I have a family reunion to go to in a week so am looking forward to that..thank God my Depression has lifted, and I am able to cope with large crowds. thank God for that and for all my friends who are so supported...
Well until next time,