
When Times are Difficult

~ Our spiritual and emotional lives are much the same. When the dark clouds of trial, struggle, grief or suffering roll in and settle on us so thick that we can barely see ahead of us, it's easy to forget there is a place of calm, light, clarity, and peace we can rise to. If we take God's hand in those difficult times, He will lift us up above our circumstances to the place of comfort, warmth, and safety He has for us. Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Just as don't have to beg the sun for light, we don't have to beg the Holy Spirit for comfort either. He is comfort!
Tough times happen to everyone at one time or another. Pain and loss are a part of life. There are many different reasons why these occur, but God is always there to bring good out of it when we invite Him to. We have to pray that when we go through difficult times, He will give us a greater sense of His comfort in it. ~