
Today is another day:)

After my out bust yesterday with temper flying, cloths flying, books flying, I think I have calmed down a bit, only a bit, still not sure about what is happening with my weight, haven't been walking, just so how am I supposed to lose weight, today I will walk even if it is 10 min, and I will stay calm , even if it is 20 Min's,do my spiritual meditations and block people out, is the way to go today.have time out for my self...after yesterday maybe I should!!!:( my poor husband is still in shock how I let fly...:(

At long last my parcels arrived yesterday for me I have brought the most beautiful pink Teddy for my cousin who had a little girl last month, I am late to send it but I know she will appreciate it when it dose finally arrive ...girls are special, but boys are special also,but I just love babies, and till my dying day I will love babies, something calming and special about them, like a kitten...if only i HAD A KITTEN .but no more..

I have not be keeping a track of my weight what I have been eating this week, it is shocking,but will get back into today weigh in tomorrow...

Well David and my self and Ben are going out for lunch to day to maitland to Hogs breath cafe, to meet a friend, it should be nice and to catch up and be happy.

No more from me I had better go clean my bed room and get dressed and be happy....and enjoy my lunch.