Yesterday and today I have been so so very down, so what I did was get out the house, went to mass and then shopping, now shopping is very bad when your down and feeling rotten, because you end up buying bad stuff like chocolate, and that is what I did today.its still sitting in on the bench but I am going to go and have a piece with a cuppa tea, before I go to bed they say chocolate is good for depression, and sunlight ,and walking, it helps the stress levels and sadness that goes on in side ones life.
I have to increase my depression tablets, and have to go back to my councillor, not that I want to, but I have to talk to some one...about losing two friends, this week through my own falt no one really knows how hard it is when you try to explain something to some one and they dont beleive a word your saying/ they say face relaity, now that coming from someone who I had as a friend, and that I dont deserve to have friends .I am a very horrible person. No wonder I am in a depression again....
My thoughts are all over the place as I write this, thinking how I have to force my self to get up of a morning and get dressed,some day I really hate the world like today.
well enough of me rambling on, time to go and have that chocolate ....and tomorrow I might feel more like my old self...
At Least God loves me if no one eles does...And I will hold that for ever in my heart. he is the only one who really understands me and wont let me down.
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