I tyred to stay positive even though I have ha two ba ays, so this morning I got up an bang down I go again, very tied aching all over again and massive headache, it could be the Polomoligia back again, I don't know, but what ever it is it is making me tied an sleeping all day... to put it mildly I feel shit...and to go with it I am feeling depressed.
How do I get out of it? just take one day at a time. listen to body and just pray I start to feel better,I know I have had days like this before and I know I have to just sit them out..but when they go on for three days like now it is horrible....it could be stress that brings them on, things on the home front are not good so that could be a cause of it..what every it is I just have to learn one hour at a time. and know I will come through this, but for now I have to try and do my prayer exercises and try and be gentle with my self and not take it out on every one Else....but My God its very hard to do it...
As for my weight I haven't been walking as I am to weak, and scared of passing out, but have try ed to follow the points and eat what I am supposed to eat, even though my appetite has gone..(stress will do that):(
Well maybe tomorrow will be a better day, please pray it will be,until then I will continue to hang on the love that God has for me and know he walks the journey with me.