The last few weeks have been very trying, financial we are in a mess, and bills are coming in and no money to pay them. so I decided its time to really just let go and LET GOD, HE IS THE ONLY ONE I thought can fix this, so I stopped worrying and God can deal with it all, so I prayed and stopped worrying, God has heard my prayer and two beautiful Angels came to my aid and then tonight I won a ham at the Club, how lucky is that, but the bottom line is I let go and let God, life is hard, and it is going to get harder, but I know what ever happen, God will be their in the bad times and the good times, I have to learn to trust more and let go.
Tomorrow I have a earlie appointment to see the Dr to get my results, dreading it as the Pain I have been experiencing is getting worse. but I know again God will deal with this.
Tonight I learnt of a good friend that her Cancer has come back, this is so sad,so many people are ill with cancer,my friend is only 48 far to young to be dying.
IT would be good if I could get some good night sleep the last week I havent been sleeping and it is starting to take its toll, Praying during the night helps but dose not seem to help me close my eyes and get a few hours sleep,I would like to have at least one good night God if your listerning please could you help out/
Well on that note I might go and have a cuppa Tea and please God get a few hours sleep till I have to get up and be at the Drs appointment at 8.30
Till next time Blessings to all.