let us not be afraid of the Sacrament of Confession. Jesus is waiting for us there
Jesus said, "Tell souls where they are to look for solace; that is, in the Tribunal of Mercy (Confession). There the greatest miracles take place and are incessantly repeated." (Diary of St. Faustina 144
My journey began many years ago, I had my faith in God well I thought did , but was so scared to go to confession, to the extent I didn’t go mainly because of the fear,. it was more a block or pride, well we all know pride is a sin, and now that I look back I am sure it was pride, that stopped me from being open and honest in the confession,
In fewer years I did start to go to the sacrament of confession, but still very fearful, not trusting in God’s Mercy or forgiveness, there was a block there...How was I going to get through this block, of being fearful of God’s Mercy .its God you’re going to confession not the priest I would tell myself, but the butterflies would enter and I would feel quite ill and the shame , and mainly the guilt, and all I could say was Lord will I ever get over this? Please take this horrible fear away..
Lord I know your love me but I am so afraid help me please!
So I begin sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament begging Jesus to help me, to take the fear away, telling him how I need to be free of all that was bogging me down...( and was it blogging me down it was making me physical sick!!)
So this one day I was in front of the blessed sacrament praying and all of a sudden I felt this peace come through me it was a strange feeling, and confessions were being heard at the time ,and I thought I will just go and trust in your mercy Lord, but please come with me as I am so very scared!
As I was walking towards the confessional I was feeling more and more uneasy, I knew I had to do this to Because God wanted me back, and I wanted to be back!
As I sat down and began my confession I felt a shift as if I wasn’t there, all I remember is I had got everything off my chest and I felt straight away this peace I have never felt before, When Fr said I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son , I felt so free this peace I have never felt before, and I walked out sat back down in Front of the Blessed sacrament and said to Jesus :Thank you, and the tears were streaming down my face, Knowing that Jesus loves me so very much, the feeling is beyond words.
So Now you cannot keep me away from confession as it is my Refuge, I can last only a fortnight and I go back, just knowing how much Jesus wants to heal me, and I am immersed in his Mercy, each time,
What a wonderful gift we have in this sacrament, and I pray for those who need God’s Mercy and will come back to Jesus in this wonderful sacrament.
Thank you Lord For this wonderful Sacrament.
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