
Time to move on

Well now this last week has been quite a challenge to me, I have decided to move on, to find a place, where I am at peace with my self, not for any one Else, for me, I have learned, you can not trust any one,not even your friends. they let you down also, I know I have let people down, but IN saying that I will not let People or friends dictate to me, as I was aways dictated to as a child by nuns at school,and as an adult people still thing they can tell me what to do, its a no go zone!!I have felt so completely alone, in the last few weeks, and I have asked my self where is God in all this?

As Mary McKillop put it beautifully

Life has a way of teaching us that no relationship is perfect.
Storms can envelop us with out warning.  who is there for us?
Where is God ? Storm clouds can block out every thing,including, we sometimes feel, even our God .Perhaps it is then,when things are really tough, that we need to heed Mary"s words.

Isn't that what faith is is all about? God is there, we believe,even though we still feel DOWN AND almost out of count.  We still trust in our Good God,even though we feel his absence.
Mary describes beautifully her own experience of finding peace in the chaos that enveloped her.

A quiet and slow healing process, re-discovering, a calm after the storm that had been my life for the past few years (1903

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him (ps 37:7)