IT HAS been ages since I have been on here, life has had its ups and downs, and I have gone back to ww, am losing, but the last few weeks I haven't been able to attend as for sickness, after months of problems with my bowel the specialist has found out what is wrong and now am on medication which allows me to leave the house, and I don't feel like a prisoner in my own home.
I have to get motivated again to lose more weight am on the net with ww and tools really help, BEEN down though hasn't helped and each day I find I am either up or down and its that rotten feeling of hopelessness.
Finding out my friend has cancer again has knocked me for a six and wondering why these things happen to good people and not the rotters who are horrible to people.
I suppose God only picks the Beautiful Roses in this world, .its just not fair..
so depsite all the sadness in my life I am goin to start counting points again and walk, so tomorrow is another day and I will forget the past!
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