
Sunday afternoon

I should be cleaning my bed room, for weeks I have looked at a pile of stuff next the bed and it just lies there, I am going to get rid of it if it is the last thing I do. my daughter cleaned my bed room a few weeks ago so my job was to clean out draws and get rid of rubbish, but I have to admit I have been a bit depressed the last two days, and I shouldnt have,just been pure lazy, in my pray life and my blogging and other stuff, so I have to pick up my feet and get moving again, no excuse.
I am going on a cruise in May with my husband, so I dont have time to lay around and feel sorry for my self, I have to count my points and eat right and be positive,I need to get some kgs off before we sail off..it will be so good to go away for 10 days on our own, our youngest son Ben thinks it will be good not to have mum and day around!! more on the cruise later.
This week I am hoping to get a kg off I have been walking but today been so hot no walk, I do have to get my bumb off this chair after writing and go up to franklins and get some thing for tea, maybe a salad, my friend is coming to stay the night .
that will be good , looking forward to a few laughts very far and few of them lately...
My son Ben went to see Wicked today in sydney with his sister chloe,no doubt he will come home happy as larry and give up every detail of the show, loves life ben and enjoys every thing that is going.
Well enough from me now, I had better go and do this shop, drat hate going out in this shit of a heat..it is horrible.but it could be worse,,
till next time
have a good week.

1 comment:

Liv said...

sounds like you have a great trip to aim for!

Sometimes when I don't feel like doing something I just make myself do it for 5 minutes (set a timer). If I really don't want to keep doing it I stop but mostly I just needed to get started!
Sometimes if it is the housework I put on a fast music cd and try to get everything done by the end of the cd! works a treat.
