

Maybe I have to learn to be patient with my self, after the last few weeks I HAVE been struggling with health issues, more than one, I am honestly over it. Now I have Pleurisy and Bronchitis, and this heat isn't helping.

My question is do I continue to keep going to weight watches or do I just forget about it till I am feeling back to my old self, well IF I give up now the weight that I have lost will come back on again,wont it? The thing is I need some one to get me and make me do it walk , well in this heat to walk would be deadly, the last two days have been 45deg, to much to bear,
but then one has to learnt to discipline them self's and say yes you can do it and you will do it!!

WELL THE TRUTH IS..............I am struggling struggling with health issues, spiritual issues,and marriage issues, so I turn to God and hope that maybe he can calm me down and just teach me to be still and listen.

So tomorrow is another day, I will start again tomorrow,with the help of God
Thank you for dropping by.


Trekkie4Ever said...

I know how hard it is to lose weight, believe me I know.

As for the pluerisy, I am so sorry, I know how painful that is. I had it and costochondritis. Just keep taking Aleve.

My PCP told me it was okay to exercise with the pleurisy, so I would just take it slow, maybe walk in place or put on an exercise DVD? Just try not to over-exert, otherwise you will breathe hard and hurt more.

I have been doing fairly well, I also have been struggling with illness after illness, but God has kept me strong and going.

Unknown said...

Thank you Leticia, I am sorry you have had illness after illness, but I will continue to pray for you and thank you so much for coiming by, I am much better and taking one day at a time thank you again and hugs Joanne xx