
Starting to feel like is this worth it all?

I went to ww today and put on .4 God I can not win, OK So I didn't try, I didn't walk, I didn't follow points, I just have lost it, I am losing interest. it is all to much I am struggling...I need some encouragement..I don't know what I need, just am down and feel is it worth it all.

I went to the Diabetic specialist and she wants to see me in another three months...with more weight off and my sugar down further. it is all just to hard. well I am throwing the towel in but I feel just horrible, struggle and well not well, tied and still am picking up from my shoulder op, even though it is five weeks, the pain is still there and Physio each week...

EACH day is a Terrible struggle, with pain ...with motivation and you name it ..I think I have lost the plot...I don't know what to do..I just wish I had a personal trainer..some one that took interest in my weight lost that encouraged me each day to get off my bum and go walking. I must admit my son brought me and Ipod to encourage me to go walking..and yes I will
but I am feeling spiritual dead also at the moment.

God I you take an interest in my life but can you please show me where I am going wrong. or what should I do to get motivation...Maybe I should go and do a retreat...maybe I should just lock my self away for a month ...what ever it is I should do I need some one to please help me.

Dont you feel some days are just so hard ....that no matter what you do you just can not win? well this is how I feel today...maybe tomorrow I will have a different attitude...with the help of God...
catch you later love Joanne


Kathiej said...

Hi Jo

I know how you feel, I seem to be in the same plae at the moment

I am proud of you for only putting on .5 when you were away from WW then a gain .4 thru not trying imagine what you can do if you try
come on girl you can do this, get the ipod out and do a walk tomorrow

Take care


Liv said...

Hi Joanne,

Sounds like you are being quite hard on yourself.

A couple of thoughts for you - what do you really want? not anyone else but you. What is it that you want to achieve?

You could make a list of these things and the motivations for wanting to achieve them. Put this list in a visible place or carry it with you. When things get tough refer to the list! I have found this invaluable for when I want to get amongst the chocolate biscuits and other sugary stuff.

If you want some thoughts on goal setting there is a fabulous podcast over at twofitchicks.org from this week.

Another little trick I use to motivate myself to go walking is the 'just 10 minutes rule'. I tell myself I only have to go for 10 minutes but it has to be 10 minutes. By the time I get to 10 minutes I keep going.

Be kind to yourself.
