
feeling very down...

Hasnt beeN A GOOD DAY, WELL the last two days have been shocking, sugars up out of wack and tied, irritable and fed up with life in General,I dont usual give up but this time I feel horrible just tied, the last two days I have just slept wont speak to the family ect..

Went into get weighed today, put on .2.but that is ok but I followered the points and drank water soda water,I am now 90.3 but the girl put in my book .I am now 90.8 that made me so mad well I guess I will get over it ...well I will try better this week and try and an get positive again, just trying to get my sugars down is the problem
till next time


Kathiej said...

Hope your sugars balance out soon..keep a good eye on them
That can make you feel so tired and irratable

Don't worry about the girl writing the wrong number..you know the truth and it will look great next week any how lol

Anne said...

Likewise - don't worry about the wrong number. Keep at it, all those losses add up. I started at probably a similar weight to you (94.8) lost 28 kilos, plateaued, then started to gain again. Currently following a low carb regime, and the kilos are shifting once more.

I've gone private, but if you are interested in reading, my email is oakridge@xtra.co.nz

Unknown said...

thank you people appriciate your comments blessings

Sonya said...


Take heart that the Lord is trying to get you to do this nice and gradually. You can tell your recorder next week that they got it wrong and rewrite the correct amount next week (I did this once because of frustration and I received co-operation from the lady who did it) as they may need to update your card also. Keep your chin up, you are doing well under the circumstances!

Tina said...

Joanne, keep thinking tomorrow is another day.
We will get there together.