It is NEW YEARS DAY HERE, I am sitting at the computer on my own and all the family are still asleep..may I add it is neally 11am. I didnt stay up to see the new year in, I was just to tied, and feeling yack, but now it is a new year that is behind me now and I am going to be more kinder and gentle with my self, walk evey day!!!!even if the house is untidy, just put my shoes on and my ipod on and walk dont think about it just do it...
My sugars are bad, but once I get into a routine and do what I am suppose to do I will be better for it, with the Grace of God he and I can do this together,with OUT GOD I AM NOTHING.
Our christmas was nice a quite one we had christmas lunch at home together as a family (see picture above) and then in the afternoon we visited friends,then went down to davids family for tea, that was shocking, some people can be so rude and hurtful esp when it was christmas, all the family receive money off the father except his only son david, very hurtful, I dont stand for that, next year we are doing our own thing, might even consider going overseas if we can save up in time.our daughter will be over there next year..
I have relised life is to short for negative people in our life, we need to be around positive people, who will love us for how we are and support us,that is what I am doing this year, to stay with positive people and not let people boss me and tell me how to life my life...
I pray every one has a wonderful new year love Joanne