EVEN THOUGH I have had a masive fight with my hubby I dont feel any better for it so went to mass and was annointed and fr spoke on saying sorry so if that wasnt God speaking I eat my words.
Depite me feeling down this afternoon I am feeling a bit more bright, just put tea on as we have to do our computer course tonight at 6 till 9 at least that gets me out of the house...havent eaten much today but for tea having salmon patties, which I love with salad...have decided to go to drinking water instead of the sada water, see how I go there.
I will get up early in the morning and go for a walk take buster, if I start early it might get my mood in a better frame...
Life is a challange and with lent now it is a good time for me to take a good look at my life, besides my weight...I can do it AND I will do it ...
well till tomorrow bye for now hope all have a great weekend
Each day is a challenge for me, with my weight,my emotions and my spiritual life. I enjooy taking photos, enjoy walking and meeting people. most of all enjoy having quite time out with my God.
somthing different
weigh in Day
well I wasnt going to go and get weighed but I did and I felt I had lost at least.5 but to my dissapointment I put on 1kg ouch that is bad, and when I got back into the car and told david he said no way that is not possible but that is what the scales say the last three weeks I have gained weight and I am not at all happy but I have been tracking and eating 0 soup so where in the hell have I gone wrong, havent been able to walk as for myknee so I dont know..so I am going to track again not go and get weighed next week as I have an appointment when ww is on so will cut back on points
any other suggestions? please help!
any other suggestions? please help!
My heart isnt in it any more..

Trying to get my self up to scratch again with the weight seems an every daunting task, now I am unable to walk well the Dr told me I should stay off my leg as much as possible as my knee has been damaged from the fall ..so have to go to the specialist on the 14Th April, and my toe yes it is infected again and more antibiotics and tonight after two days on antibiotics my toe still very swollen and very painful. when it clears up I need to have it cut out the nail that is!!! Never ending with me. I thought life was going to be so much simply when I started to get the weight off but no the medications I am on no doubt is slowing it down...it is frustrating me big time...
Wondering if I should go and get weighed this Thursday! when I am supposed to be resting this leg and not walking on it...I was told the more I walk on it the more damage I will do ..can not win..
It may seem I am making excuses but no I am not I looked back at the photos of how I looked before The weight came off and boy I have come a long way so I have to be gentle with my self and just keep hacking at it despite down falls, no matter what I will get it off Just want to get to the 10% and I will be happy.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday the beginning of lent so I am going to really try and improve in my spiritual journeyand pray life
Praying for you all..
A day OF rest
Yesterday a few of us from our parish went out to say by to fr Matthew we had a nice lunch and what I ate I didnt feel guility I had a salad with salmon patties and they were very nice..a nice day and then this morning david and I went to 7am Mass and said goodbye to FR as it was his last mass in the parish, we stopped by for a cuppa afterwards, despite me being in heaps of pain in my leg leg with a infected toe and now my knee when I had a fall a few weeks ago and now the knee is playing up on presure...but I am walking if I go down so be it..looks like I will have to go and see the dr in the morning..as much as I dont want to . I have to go my sugars are still up graaaaaaaaa....and can not get into the specilist till the 27th march 3 30pm. so besides all this I am still smiling, and do feel ok in my self the depression has left me ..so it jolly should..
I am back to counting my points and watching all that goes in my mouth, I made a o free soup so that is helping...today is good but it isnt the end of the day yet.....heading up to visit a friend this afternoon who has been digonased with cancer, she goes into hospital wednesday for an operation, please God they can get it all. cancer seems to be so much today it is scary..
Can any one help me please/ ? I dont know how to go about putting my photos on the side and my weight as the weeks go by could any one help me and tell me would really appriciate it .
Well all for now better go and visit this friend..
all have a great week
I am back to counting my points and watching all that goes in my mouth, I made a o free soup so that is helping...today is good but it isnt the end of the day yet.....heading up to visit a friend this afternoon who has been digonased with cancer, she goes into hospital wednesday for an operation, please God they can get it all. cancer seems to be so much today it is scary..
Can any one help me please/ ? I dont know how to go about putting my photos on the side and my weight as the weeks go by could any one help me and tell me would really appriciate it .
Well all for now better go and visit this friend..
all have a great week
life is a challange and some days I dont like it!!
I am still feeling blah and I know I shouldn't be, my infection in the toe is improving, I don't have to go and get more tablets as I rang the nurse up yesterday and she said just bath it in hot salt water so that has helped heaps,but am still feeling unwell and just down, I am tied of being told by my Dr its depression...well what ever it is I have to just sit it out, and if I am tied and need to sleep I will sleep, like yesterday I slept all afternoon and, didn't feel better for it though, I have to try and just be more Gentle with my self and just take one day at a time..it is hard, BUT I have to learn Rome wasn't built in a day.
My weight is driving me mad, I just want to get to the 10% and I will be happy but it is up and down one week I will lose over a kg and then the next put on .7 its very frustrating, and I am thinking this week I will have a break not go to ww just get back to the quick start and see how I go.,while I am thinking like this Its no good me going.
I started my Digital camera course on Thursday night I really enjoyed it, and last night started my computer course it was OK next week should be better..it was just the basic and a bit boring.
Life is a challenge, next week it is the beginning of Lent Goodness where has the year gone? we just got over Christmas!
Hope you all have a good week and we can inspire each other with our weight lost ( a better one for me in a few weeks)
My weight is driving me mad, I just want to get to the 10% and I will be happy but it is up and down one week I will lose over a kg and then the next put on .7 its very frustrating, and I am thinking this week I will have a break not go to ww just get back to the quick start and see how I go.,while I am thinking like this Its no good me going.
I started my Digital camera course on Thursday night I really enjoyed it, and last night started my computer course it was OK next week should be better..it was just the basic and a bit boring.
Life is a challenge, next week it is the beginning of Lent Goodness where has the year gone? we just got over Christmas!
Hope you all have a good week and we can inspire each other with our weight lost ( a better one for me in a few weeks)
not a good weigh in
Today I went in to weigh, to my shame I put on .4 and then they said they made a mistake last week said instead of .2 she made the mistake of .7 I put on last week,um unimpressed.
well this week I have to just move and not think about it and get it off ,weeks ARE getting away and I need to at least reach my 10% at least it is taking me far to long to lose but then am on medication .and cortosine for my back so can not win I was going so well in the beginning I dont know what is going on now...o well next week we will see a move down on the scales.
The weather is starting to get warmer again, it is quite hot this afternoon./I have my first lesson at tafe tonight in digitial camera, so looking forward to it.
and then tomorrow night I have a computer course so am quite looking forward to that and I am doing that with david.
well no much more for now will write later
well this week I have to just move and not think about it and get it off ,weeks ARE getting away and I need to at least reach my 10% at least it is taking me far to long to lose but then am on medication .and cortosine for my back so can not win I was going so well in the beginning I dont know what is going on now...o well next week we will see a move down on the scales.
The weather is starting to get warmer again, it is quite hot this afternoon./I have my first lesson at tafe tonight in digitial camera, so looking forward to it.
and then tomorrow night I have a computer course so am quite looking forward to that and I am doing that with david.
well no much more for now will write later
More Positive Today
am more positive today, even though I am still very tied, not as tied, i thought TO my self Joanne you can not stay down it is not like you...today is another day just be positive and stop
thinking of the negativc stuff.
We have had rain for the last few days, it is very heavy tonight, might flood, there is an alert been put out for the Hunter,,so we will stay tuned.
Have been doing my points, a bit off tract today, will get back on them tomorrow..I know I can do it.
A WONERFUL FRIEND WAS speaking to me last night and he has been a friend for 29 yearsm he is a cahtolic priest, he prayed for me to help me feel better, my goodness the power of prayer is just so wonerful. That is why I am feeling more positive I am sure..well I amfeeling better.
I love the weekends when it rains havent seen that much rain but this weekend it is just fantastic and really loving it
Well on that note I will go and keep being positive
Thank God for all the wonerful friends I have
bye for now
Joanne xx
thinking of the negativc stuff.
We have had rain for the last few days, it is very heavy tonight, might flood, there is an alert been put out for the Hunter,,so we will stay tuned.
Have been doing my points, a bit off tract today, will get back on them tomorrow..I know I can do it.
A WONERFUL FRIEND WAS speaking to me last night and he has been a friend for 29 yearsm he is a cahtolic priest, he prayed for me to help me feel better, my goodness the power of prayer is just so wonerful. That is why I am feeling more positive I am sure..well I amfeeling better.
I love the weekends when it rains havent seen that much rain but this weekend it is just fantastic and really loving it
Well on that note I will go and keep being positive
Thank God for all the wonerful friends I have
bye for now
Joanne xx
Another bad Day
I tyred to stay positive even though I have ha two ba ays, so this morning I got up an bang down I go again, very tied aching all over again and massive headache, it could be the Polomoligia back again, I don't know, but what ever it is it is making me tied an sleeping all day... to put it mildly I feel shit...and to go with it I am feeling depressed.
How do I get out of it? just take one day at a time. listen to body and just pray I start to feel better,I know I have had days like this before and I know I have to just sit them out..but when they go on for three days like now it is horrible....it could be stress that brings them on, things on the home front are not good so that could be a cause of it..what every it is I just have to learn one hour at a time. and know I will come through this, but for now I have to try and do my prayer exercises and try and be gentle with my self and not take it out on every one Else....but My God its very hard to do it...
As for my weight I haven't been walking as I am to weak, and scared of passing out, but have try ed to follow the points and eat what I am supposed to eat, even though my appetite has gone..(stress will do that):(
Well maybe tomorrow will be a better day, please pray it will be,until then I will continue to hang on the love that God has for me and know he walks the journey with me.
How do I get out of it? just take one day at a time. listen to body and just pray I start to feel better,I know I have had days like this before and I know I have to just sit them out..but when they go on for three days like now it is horrible....it could be stress that brings them on, things on the home front are not good so that could be a cause of it..what every it is I just have to learn one hour at a time. and know I will come through this, but for now I have to try and do my prayer exercises and try and be gentle with my self and not take it out on every one Else....but My God its very hard to do it...
As for my weight I haven't been walking as I am to weak, and scared of passing out, but have try ed to follow the points and eat what I am supposed to eat, even though my appetite has gone..(stress will do that):(
Well maybe tomorrow will be a better day, please pray it will be,until then I will continue to hang on the love that God has for me and know he walks the journey with me.
feeling very down...
Hasnt beeN A GOOD DAY, WELL the last two days have been shocking, sugars up out of wack and tied, irritable and fed up with life in General,I dont usual give up but this time I feel horrible just tied, the last two days I have just slept wont speak to the family ect..
Went into get weighed today, put on .2.but that is ok but I followered the points and drank water soda water,I am now 90.3 but the girl put in my book .I am now 90.8 that made me so mad well I guess I will get over it ...well I will try better this week and try and an get positive again, just trying to get my sugars down is the problem
till next time
Went into get weighed today, put on .2.but that is ok but I followered the points and drank water soda water,I am now 90.3 but the girl put in my book .I am now 90.8 that made me so mad well I guess I will get over it ...well I will try better this week and try and an get positive again, just trying to get my sugars down is the problem
till next time
I have had a good week, went to weight watches, and I lost 1.1kg, so I am on track again and am so thankful for all the support I am getting.
I was down there for a while as the weight was slowing creaping back on and I knew in my heart I had to get back to tracking and wow has it worked so back to tracking and doing what I am supposed to do, I have not been able to walk as the weather has been far to hot, we are expecting high temps and today is shocking but tomorrow is suppose to get to 47 God help us all...I am staying in side and not going to do much..the heat makes one feel quite sick..!!
Being positve and staying around postive people helps me so much to the point now when people ring me and talk negative I dismiss them in a big time, just can not handle them...so I just contine to stay still and listern to what my soul is telling me.
It is lovely to have my family all home this week end, even though Chloe has to go back to Newcastle this afternoon but for now I am enjoying her being home..
Yesteray we got a New kitten, she is so beautiful her we have called her Mollie, an her name suites her, big time..
The dogs are not impressed about the new kitten so we have kept her in side, she is has such a beautiful nature, and has settled into her new home very well..SO NOW we have five animals two little chickens two ogs an the kitten a lot to have to get minde when we go on our cruise in may, but for now we will enjoy them, for this heat I think we are going to have to put the dogs in side tomrrow as it will be to hot ,,
Well for now thanks for coming by I will up date you later on my weight but for now Have a great weekend
God bless
Joanne xx
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